Fast Fresh Fit


About Us

My name is Kristen. My husband, Chad, and I started FAST FRESH FIT Meals because we were frustrated with the monotonous nightly chore of trying so hard to eat healthy. We would come home from a long day of work and spend hours in the kitchen. While we were achieving our ultimate goal, there was very little time to do what matters most to us: spend time with our kids and each other. Many nights we would just end up throwing in the towel and sabotage our efforts by ordering a pizza to save our sanity! That’s why we have spent the last few years looking for an answer to this commonly shared dilemma. Finally, we have discovered the product and service that solves this problem! Our number one goal was to grow something that would allow us to spend more quality time doing what we love: being with our family! Along with accomplishing this goal, we know that our fresh and delicious gourmet meals will help you to free up more of your time to do what you love as well!

Here is the reality: there is just too little time to shop, prep, cook (and then clean up), let alone do this in a fresh and healthy manner on a consistent basis. Enter FAST FRESH FIT Meals! Simply, subscribe to our service, choose the weekly meals that appeal to YOU, and they are delivered straight to you every Friday! Then, pop a meal into the microwave, (or oven if you prefer), and within 2-3 minutes, you’ve got a Fast, Fresh, Fit meal to get you on your way! Whether you use these meals on your lunch break at work, as a healthy substitute for fast food, as your time-saving healthy dinner alternative, or even as a full, 3-meal replacement, we’ve got the personalized solution for you!

FAST FRESH FIT Meals are prepared with the highest quality ingredients, fully-cooked by gourmet chefs, vacuum-sealed and delivered FRESH to your doorstep. Our ultimate goal here at FAST FRESH FIT Meals, is to take the stress out of healthy eating, so that you can spend the time you’re saving doing what you love!


More About Us

Born and raised on a small Christmas tree farm in Northeast Ohio, I began working at 17 in the fast food industry, and continued to work in the restaurant industry for the next 20 years. Working in food service taught me valuable customer service skills, and especially the importance of consistently meeting and exceeding customers’ expectations. I would go on to further my education, choosing to take those skills to another level, working in healthcare. Working directly with my patients, I quickly learned that the key to making the most significant difference in a person’s life is to build trust and maintain a good rapport. This approach has proven to be the best method to achieve desired results: for when a person feels genuinely listened to, everyone wins! No matter what, I strive to provide the absolute best support to those I’m serving. I am excited to share FAST FRESH FIT Meals with you because I love the convenience of knowing I am fueling my body with nutritious, delicious, portion-controlled entrees. But even more important to me, is the valuable time I’m saving by eliminating the stress of planning, shopping, prepping and cooking healthy meals!

Allow us to assist you in choosing your best meal plan to get you on your way! FAST FRESH FIT Meals… Heat, eat & be fit!